Jenny Skirt

It’s no secret that I have amazing in-laws. They’re fun, kind, awesome. Pretty much the dream team if you were to hand pick your future family members. Haha!

Another extra perk is revealed every time one of them is getting rid of some clothes and we happen to be up for game night. This last time, Jenny was getting rid of a bag of clothes and said I could have any of them I wanted. One of the first things I pulled out was this skirt. (Hence the title: Jenny Skirt. Lol.)
And before you think that Jenny is a 3 year old getting rid of bags of clothes, she’s not. But since the skirt was too small for me anyway, I figured that by sewing it a little bit smaller I could turn this skirt into a 3 year old skirt for Brooke instead! 
I kept the top of the skirt by turning the skirt inside out and sewing a little bit in on both sides of the waist band and then sewing the new edges down to hold them a little better. Next, I pinned and sewed down the sides making sure to leave an even amount of excess fabric on each side. 
After that, I just hemmed the bottom of the skirt and it was done!
This was a super easy, quick project and I still have enough fabric leftover I could probably make another dress for Brooke out of it if I wanted to! Or maybe something random like a pillow… We’ll see what wins when I get around to using it. Haha!

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