
Brooke turned 3!

Say goodbye to the terrible two’s! Because Brooke is now a threenager! Haha!

In all honesty though, she has been a pretty good two year old and we’re excited to see how this next year will go! 
On Brooke’s birthday, we had to help Julia move her stuff into her new classroom, so we went to the park and then had a movie day for the kids in Julia’s classroom while we organized everything. 
Once we were done with that, we went home and had Brooke’s birthday dinner. She picked chicken nuggets and french fries! Hooray for an easy dinner! Lol.
We also had a barbie cake! Brooke blew her candles out before we got the chance to sing to her, but she didn’t want me to relight them and we sang to her a few different times earlier anyway. 
This year, she got a dollhouse and some barbies for her birthday from us and a few other gifts from other family members. Since John had to go to scout camp and missed her birthday, we had Brooke wait to open a few of her presents until he got home.
So far, here are a few of Brooke’s favorites as she told them to me:
color: pink
movie: whatever she’s watching at the time
to do: play games
food: hamburgers, french fries, cake
treat: candy, root beer
princess: snow white

I’m pretty sure a lot of those answers change daily, but you can always bet on pink being her favorite color! Haha!

Some other fun details are that she loves to wear tutus and is always changing into her swimsuit because she’s “a ballerina and a princess”.

She’s a cute, fun girl and we love having her in our family!

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